About Us

/About Us
About Us 2024-05-19T12:04:58+00:00


TreeHouse International School is an English speaking private school in the heart of Herzliya Pituah, Israel (8 km from Tel-Aviv).

Founded in 1998, TreeHouse remains committed to its mission to provide an academically challenging education in a supportive environment to children from all around the world.

Today, the school represents a dynamic international community of over 40 nationalities attending one of the school’s five campuses.

It’s our intent to build a strong educational experience for every child at T.H.I.S through teamwork. Our team consists of students, teachers and parents. This team is the key to excellence in promoting and providing educational opportunities.

Welcome from the Director

Thank you for considering TreeHouse International School for your child’s learning, becoming and growing.
As the Head of School, I am pleased to lead such a dynamic and internationally- diverse
Our school believes in educating the “whole child”. We adhere to the philosophies of education and curricula that are concept-driven, when students are guided in constructing meaning through making connections across curriculum areas and with the real world. We also believe that teachers have a very important role to play in inspiring students and staff to become life-long learners.

We hold the loftiest of aspirations for our school and a singleness of purpose that we will do all possible to prepare our students to achieve to the highest level possible, to lead, to be honorable, ethical and adaptable. Happily, the reflections of our graduates and our alumni and their parents speak of the quality of relationships between teachers and students. Our students are challenged by their teachers and this community to be their best and to care for one another.

TreeHouse International School is a very young dynamic school. Our reputation is founded on the motivation of our students, the skill of our faculty, and unprecedented participation by our parent community.

We hold uncommonly high expectations and our student learning results provide every reason to be proud.
We cordially invite you to visit our school and view all the wonderful activities that occur on a daily basis.

Anita Krueger-Hazi

Mission and Philosophy

Our mission is to be a leading culturally diverse and family-oriented international school ,to benefit from the diversity of its community in creating well-educated, internationally minded citizens.

We inspire young individuals to develop their intellect, creativity and character to grow into adaptable, socially responsible global citizens by ensuring a dynamic education of high standard.

We believe that:

  • Honesty and integrity are essential for building trusting relationships.

  • Each person is unique and has equal worth

  • All people are responsible for their actions.

  • Open-mindedness, empathy and compassion are essential for living in a global community.

  • A thorough education includes the development of the qualities of compassion, tolerance, respect for the rights and cultures of all people, the skills for the peaceful resolution of conflict, and the development of environmental responsibility.

  • Developing head, heart and hands is necessary to realize one’s potential

  • Expectations that are challenging lead to higher levels of performance and improve results.

  • Commitment, enthusiasm and perseverance lead to success.

  • Education is a shared responsibility of students, family and school.

  • Everyone has the responsibility to contribute positively to society and the environment.

  • Celebrating diversity enriches our lives and the life of the community.

  • Nurturing curiosity and creativity stimulates exploration and discovery throughout life.

  • School should foster an atmosphere of academic excellence and encourage intellectual inquiry and critical thinking.

  • Achievement in the physical, expressive and creative arts is an essential part of a holistic education.

  • The School is a community, and social awareness, thoughtful interaction and effective communication among students, parents and staff are fundamental to its well-being.

TreeHouse International School LIVE IN ISRAEL STUDY IN ENGLISH